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Cockroaches, or “roaches” as they are also known, are the most common pest in urban environments. They infest residential and commercial structures, and they are cosmopolitan pest organisms with origins dating back to the days of the Roman Empire. Their original homes were likely tropical, but they have adapted to human habitats of most every kind. Most species live in the great outdoors and are not pests to humans. However, several species adapted to living in caves and hollow trees, eating such things as bat guano (feces) and probably pre-adapted them for human environments.
Great survivors
Cockroaches are very resourceful and can adapt to almost anything. If humans can survive in a given place, the cockroaches will likely be there, too. Cockroaches are omnivorous feeders, meaning they are opportunistic and will feed on almost anything. They have adapted to foraging on things associated with humans, from table scraps to dog feces.
Food Preferences
Cockroaches have a preference for starchy foods, but will eat most anything associated with humans, such as cheese, meat, beer, postage stamps, book bindings, hair, dead or rotting organic matter… the list goes on.
Disease Transmitters
Cockroaches are filthy. They are important regarding public health because they live in close proximity to humans, and they feed and reproduce in any number of unsanitary environments, such as garbage and garbage containers, sewage systems and drains, septic tanks and systems, pet feces, etc. Cockroaches are known as “mechanical vectors”. Much as a child tracks mud through your clean kitchen, a cockroach tracks bacteria, fungi, virus, protozoa, etc. across your kitchen counter. These organisms can cause such illnesses as food poisoning, diarrhea, urinary tract infection, abscesses, gastroenteritis… even leprosy, and typhoid fever! They also are vectors of some pretty nasty bugs that affect your animals.
Allergens and Asthma
Many people have allergic reactions to cockroach feces and associated dander produced by cockroaches, especially German Cockroaches. These allergens then dry and hyper-sensitive individuals may react to the dander. This can be a quite serious health threat to such sensitive individuals. These sensitive individuals are often children.
In commercial structures, the disease and allergy risks related to cockroaches pose a much more serious threat. Facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants, food processing facilities, etc. take cockroach infestations quite seriously, as do regulatory agencies responsible for oversight of such places.
Other considerations
Cockroach infestations can be creepy. They can be embarrassing. These considerations also cause customers to contact Pest Medic in search of solutions to their cockroach problems.
Regardless of your reason for controlling cockroaches, Pest Medic Pest Control is at your service to provide safe and cost-effective solutions for your cockroach problems.
Cockroach control is implemented by providing an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to their control. IPM is best described as using all the tools available for pest management to achieve a solution to the pest problem. Far from just spraying pesticide, the IPM approach begins with proper identification of the pest, (in this case cockroaches) choosing the proper materials and methods for control, and implementing them in a safe and effective way. As an ideal example, IPM for german cockroaches would consist of identifying the cockroach as a german cockroach, finding the aggregation sight, using a vacuum cleaner to remove cockroaches from that area, treat cracks and crevices with boric acid dust, caulking the cracks and crevices, thoroughly cleaning cockroach feces from the area, then treating the area with a residual liquid. In doing so, you’ve “changed the niche”, and reduced the ability for the cockroach to thrive or even survive in that niche.
The first step in the solution to a cockroach problem is proper ID. Always remember that Pest Medic Pest Control is the home of the free Pest ID. Once the roach is identified, the Integrated Pest Management can proceed. Control measures be tailored to the customer’s specific problem, and the materials and methods best suited for the cockroach that has been identified.
Note: many common names for cockroach pests are used by customers interchangeably, such as “water bug”, “water roach”, etc. Not very specific in description.
Smaller cockroaches found in and around Tulsa, OK:
German Cockroach Blatella Germanica
Brownbanded Cockroach Supella longipalpa
Larger cockroaches found in and around Tulsa, OK:
Oriental Cockroach Blatta Orientalis
American Cockroach Periplaneta Americana
Smokybrown Cockroaches
Inspection and treatment are two sides of the same coin. At Pest Medic Pest Control, we are not just mindlessly spraying your structure. We are always looking, using our flashlight, seeking sources and signs of pests.
Treatment of cockroaches on interior of structures will vary from the treating of cracks and crevices with liquid, aerosol, or dust residual materials, to using a vacuum cleaner. Often caulk and sealants can be used to take away harborage, and prevent movement of cockroaches. The residual left by these materials can be picked up on the cockroach’s pads on their “feet”, as well as being ingested. Cockroaches groom themselves, which facilitated their ingesting the toxic residual material.
Cockroaches have chewing mouthparts, and are susceptible to cockroach baits, which can be applied as a dry granule or a gel bait.
Another tool to control cockroaches are dessicant dusts, such as silica gel. These scratch the waxy coating on the exterior of the cockroaches, and cause dessication and death.
More traditionally known as the typical formulation for applying pest control materials, the liquid applications are often used. They are a mix of the labeled amount of concentrate combined with water. When applied a crack and crevice or spot treatment inside, the residue left both kills pest on contact, and leaves are residual for future pests. These can be compounds that kill insects, spiders, etc., and compounds that break the life cycle of the pest, preventing future populations from getting established again.
Application methods
Interior applications are focused on treating the cracks, crevices, spaces, voids, etcs. where cockroaches hide and spend time. Focus on finding aggregation points of cockroaches and treating those areas, even using a vacuum cleaner to remove adults and nymphs prior to treatment.
We’re passionate about helping people just like you get rid of unwanted pest problems. As such, we are proud to be the only pest control company in Tulsa, OK promising excellence in value, service, and trust.
Cockroaches likely entered your home by:
They can be quite serious because of disease transmission and allergic reactions.
Sometimes one treatment, sometimes a recurring service, depending on the species of the cockroach and the extent of the infestation. So we recommend calling 918-636-2326 to schedule your roach inspection. This will allow us to give you an estimate of how long it’ll take to get rid of roaches in your home.
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