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    Our Wasp Control & Nest Removal Service

    Wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, and bees are members of the insect order Hymenoptera. A common defense mechanism in this group are females with modified ovipositors that are used for injecting venom in their real or perceived enemies. These “stingers” are a very effective deterrent. They also release a defense pheromone which alerts the colony that it is in danger, and will exit the nest looking for any intruder. For humans and animals, these stings can be painful, and even life-threatening. Especially for those individuals who are hypersensitive (allergic) to the venom.

    Wasp Nest Removal

    Pest Medic is trained to identify these pests, and fully trained to control them.

    The most common of these in our area are:

    • Honeybees (Apis mellifera)
    • Cicada Killers (Sphecious spp)
    • Yellowjackets (Vespula spp.)
    • Hornets (Vespa spp.)
    • Paper wasps (Polistes spp.)
    • Bald-faced hornets (Dolichovespula maculata)
    • Mud daubers (Sceliphron spp.)
    • Velvet ants (Dasymutilla spp.)

    When it comes to stinging hymenopterous insects, honey bees are generally considered the least aggressive and dangerous. Africanized bees are the exception, but fortunately, they have not made it to Tulsa, OK, but they have been found in southwestern OK. Bees are important pollinators and are often protected by law. Wasps and hornets, on the other hand, can be more aggressive and their stings can be painful and dangerous as mentioned above.

    Wasp Identification

    To control stinging hymenopterous insects, it is important to first identify the specific species and understand their biology and behavior. Different species have different nesting habits and may require different control methods. For example, paper wasps typically build their nests on eaves and other protected areas, while yellow jackets often build their nests underground.

    Mud Daubers
    Mud daubers are solitary wasps, not living in a nest. They make a mess with their mud brood chambers they adhere to surfaces of structures. Their biology is fascinating, collecting spiders they have captured and packing into the cells of their brood chamber, and lay an egg, which hatches and the larva feeds on the spiders. Mud Daubers are able to sting, but very rarely do.

    Cicada Killers
    As intimidating as these large wasps look, they very rarely sting. They are solitary wasps, digging holes in loose soil, and eggs are laid, larvae hatches and feeds on the Cicadas brought to them by adult Cicada killer. The male Cicada Killers fly defensive cover over the burrow. The males seem quite aggressive, but have no stinger, and the females will not sting unless strongly provoked to do so.

    Here’s a brief biology of each of the listed pest wasps, yellowjackets, and hornets along with information on whether they are native to Eastern Oklahoma:

    Yellowjackets (Vespula spp.)

    • Native to North America, including Eastern Oklahoma
    • Social wasps that live in large colonies with a queen and worker castes
    • Build nests in soil, hollow trees, or man-made structures such as buildings or underground utility boxes
    • Feed on insects, nectar, and fruit, and can become aggressive when disturbed
    • Sting can be painful and cause an allergic reaction in some people

    Hornets (Vespa spp.)

    • Native to North America, including Eastern Oklahoma
    • Social wasps that live in large colonies with a queen and worker castes
    • Build nests in trees, bushes, or man-made structures such as buildings or attics
    • Feed on insects and nectar
    • Sting can be painful and cause an allergic reaction in some people

    Paper wasps (Polistes spp.)

    • Native to North America, including Eastern Oklahoma
    • Social wasps that live in small colonies with a queen and worker castes
    • Build nests from paper-like materials in protected areas such as under eaves
    • Feed on insects and nectar
    • Sting can be painful and cause an allergic reaction in some people

    Bald-faced hornets (Dolichovespula maculata)

    • Native to North America, including Eastern Oklahoma
    • Social wasps that live in large colonies with a queen and worker castes
    • Build large paper nests in trees, bushes, or man-made structures such as buildings or attics
    • Feed on insects and nectar
    • Sting can be painful and cause an allergic reaction in some people

    Velvet ants (Dasymutilla spp.)

    • The females of this group are wingless terrestrial wasps, often confused with ants.
    • Native to North America, including Eastern Oklahoma. Most common in arid western US.
    • Females are wingless and have a colorful, fuzzy appearance, hence their name “velvet ants,” while males are winged
    • Do not build nests, but instead lay eggs in the nests of other bees or wasps
    • Feed on nectar and other insects, and female can deliver a very painful sting

    Our Unique Approach To Wasp Control & Nest Removal Service

    Calling a professional to help you get rid of hornets, yellow jackets, or paper wasps is your best option, even if you’re comfortable removing them on your own. These stinging insects make nests in tricky spots like the ground, your home’s walls, and other hard-to-reach areas, plus getting rid of them depends on the time of the year.


    Pest Medic can control all types of stinging wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets. Call Pest Medic to perform initial inspection to determine the identification of the type of wasp and to determine the location of the next. We recommend that homeowner not disturb the nests in any way, and keep distance from nests.


    For Yellowjackets (Vespula spp.), Pest Medic will locate and destroy the nest: Yellowjacket nests can often be found in the ground, in wall voids, and such places as under decks, in eaves, or in hollow trees. Pest Medic will locate the nest during the day when the yellowjackets are active, and use a suitable insecticide to destroy it.
    Keep food and garbage covered: Yellowjackets are attracted to sweet and protein-based foods, so keep all food and garbage in sealed containers or covered tightly.

    For Paper Wasps, we will locate and destroy the nest. Paper wasp nests are typically found hanging from eaves, branches, or other structures. They often build nests in the eaves of homes, voids in storage buildings, etc. Often the solution will be to use power spray equipment or treat via the attic. Pest Medic will locate the nest during the day when the wasps are active, and use a suitable insecticide to destroy it at the proper time.

    Polistes wasps exhibit very erratic behavior in the fall. The males (which don’t sting) and the females hover on the sunny sides of buildings, darting and flying as the males and females go through their mating activities. The males will soon die, and the mated females will overwinter as adults in such places as voids in attics and soffit areas

    Wasps coming indoors? These sluggish females will often come out indoors during winter and fall and early spring on warm days, confused, thinking it’s spring. This can be very disconcerting for customers.
    Call Pest Medic if you have been having such problems, and we can address your problem with both paper wasp control and prevention.

    Keep windows and doors closed: Paper wasps can be attracted to indoor lights, so keep windows and doors closed at night to prevent them from entering.

    Hornets (Vespa spp.) and Bald-faced hornets (Dolichovespula maculata): Pest Medic will locate and destroy the nest: Hornets and Bald-faced hornet nests are typically found in trees or shrubs. We will locate the nest during the day when the hornets are active, and use a suitable insecticide to destroy it.
    Pest Medic will use specialized protective clothing when treating the hornets. It’s best to contact Pest Medic in the event of finding a hornet nest.

    Mud daubers (Sceliphron spp.): Locate and destroy the nest: Mud dauber nests are typically found on walls or other surfaces. Locate the nest during the day when the wasps are active, and use a suitable insecticide to destroy it.
    Use preventative measures: Mud daubers prefer to build nests in sheltered areas, so sealing cracks and crevices in the walls and foundation can help prevent them from nesting. Keep windows and doors closed: Mud daubers can be attracted to indoor lights, so keep windows and doors closed at night to prevent them from entering.

    Velvet ants (Dasymutilla spp.): One of the keys to avoiding being stung by Velvet ants is to simply avoid touching them, and teach children not to touch them as well. Their coloration is very bright and easy to identify. Treating Velvet ant nests is rare, but seeing individual velvet ants is quite common.

    3. Prevent Wasps from returning

    Foraging wasps and bees often are attracted open soda cans, and trash cans. Keep drinks covered and keep lids and covers on trash cans. Treating soffit areas on homes helps with control of overwintering paper wasps, and kills existing nests. Seal cracks and crevices on exterior walls, repair screens, and keep doors and windows closed, because wasps are attracted to light.

    Why Choose Pest Medic Pest Control

    We’re passionate about helping people just like you get rid of unwanted pest problems. As such, we are proud to be the only pest control company in Tulsa, OK promising excellence in value, service, and trust.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes! For roughly 24 hours, you will see foraging wasps return to their nest, which is no longer there. They may be irritated, so we recommend staying away from this area until there are no more stinging insects. To schedule your wasp nest removal, please call 918-636-2326 today!

    Yes, but it’s not something we recommend. It takes special skills to remove stinging insects safely. Hornets and yellow jackets are far more challenging (and dangerous) to remove than paper wasps. So if you decide to treat a nest on your own, please proceed with caution. Follow standard safety protocols like treating the nest at night and wearing a wasp suit sealed at the wrists, ankles, and collar.

    We know how scary stumbling upon a wasp nest is. This is especially true if you or a loved one are allergic to wasp stings. So we do our best to remove wasp nests from homes in our service area within 24 hours. If you’re dealing with hornets, yellow jackets, paper wasps, or any other stinging insects, please give us a call at 918-636-2326 today!

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    Wasp Nest Removal


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    To get rid of wasps, call 918-636-2326 today!


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